Distance Learning: Cartoons
Activity One: Cartoons with Objects
The other day I came across a young artist from Prague called Kristián Mensa. He likes to play and create with simple everyday objects and finds away to give them new meaning. I had a go using a pair of scissors. Look around your home for something simple to inspire your artwork.
Activity Two: Cartoon Vegetables
Do you love pineapple? Does seeing green beans on your dinner plate make your nervous? Do apples make you yawn with boredom? Share your emotions about a fruit or vegetable by creating an expressive cartoon. Have fun!
Activity Three: Roll-a-Cartoon Face
Watch this video and use the game board below to play Roll-a-Cartoon. You can play by yourself or with your family. Make as many cartoons as you like. You might like to add a body or some colour to your cartoons.
I played this game with my friends on Zoom. Look at all of the different cartoon faces that they made. Which one is your favourite?