One Hour Self Portrait Prints


Today was a fantastic whirlwind of a day full of printmaking. I taught the same lesson three times, once to each of the classes in Rimurimu. The aim of this very brief (hour and a bit) lesson was to create two self-portrait prints for inclusion in a class display.


I did a very quick modelling session on how to draw a self-portrait with correct facial proportions. The students drew their portraits on to paper then transferred them to the printing boards.


Next the printmaking frenzy began. I had twelve printing wells set up with black ink. I demonstrated how to roll the brayer in the ink to get an even coverage on the printing board and then let the students start printing.


It was an ambitious plan to teach printmaking in such a short time with so many students but it was certainly worth it. Not one surface in the art room was left without a print on it! I can’t wait to put the prints together in a display. I will do an updated post when the piece comes together.
