Windy Wellington Day


Maria’s class joined me today for the Windy Wellington Day lesson. This lesson has been really enjoyable to teach. I love the finished artworks but mostly enjoyed how much fun we had in the art room creating them. The students’ expressions say it all.

To make the Windy Wellington scenes we began by creating stormy sky backgrounds. The students covered their paper in white paint and then twirled the paintbrush over the top with a little black paint to create swirling, stormy clouds. While they were creating their backgrounds I took photographs of the students while they posed as if they were being carried away by an umbrella in the Wellington wind. 

The students watched this cute little video about colours and we discussed hot and cold colour schemes. The students drew umbrellas and coloured them in pastel with either a hot or cold colour scheme. 

To finish the lesson we had a discussion about composition and then the students glued their pieces altogether. I’m really pleased with these artworks. I love the movement created by the swirly background and drifting umbrellas, not to mention the wonderful expressions on the students’ faces.